Step-by-step instructions for packing specimen in the Belay shipping kit and logistics
Collect the patient sample in a standard CSF tube following standard protocol with at least 6mL of CSF total for the Summit™ and Vantage™ tests ordered either individually or combined.
Belay does not require any special tubes, only those used in your institution’s standard CSF collection process. Tubes intended for blood will result in sample rejection.
Label the tubes with the date of collection and include at least two unique patient identifiers (e.g., patient name, date of birth, medical record number). Patient identifiers should match those used on the TRF to avoid delays.
Specimen Transport, Temperature Control & Packing
Maintain specimen at room temperature. Do not freeze or refrigerate. DO NOT REFRIGERATE OR FREEZE THE SPECIMEN OR THE PROVIDED GEL BLANKET.
Open the Belay shipping kit, removing the lid of the inner Styrofoam cooler and the contents of the kit.
Find the temperature tracker. Activate the temperature tracker by folding, then pulling the indicator’s activation tab until the tab and barrier film are completely removed from the device. Ensure the tracker is attached to the biohazard bag. Belay shipping kits are certified for ambient shipping and have been tested at extreme temperatures. These trackers provide additional safeguards against compromised samples.
Insert the labeled tubes and temperature tracker into the provided absorbent sleeve. Place the sleeve into the provided biohazard bag and seal.
Keeping the gel blanket at room temperature, wrap it around the bagged tubes, place together inside the Styrofoam container and close the lid.
Gel blanket should not be frozen or refrigerated. All contents of kit should be kept at room temperature.
Place the test requisition form, signed informed consent, and other clinical reports (e.g., pathology report and genomic profiling report) on top of the Styrofoam container and close the outer lid of the Belay shipping kit. Missing forms or clinical information may result in delays.
Place the kit inside the provided FedEx bag, seal, and add the FedEx label.
Schedule pickup with FedEx (800-GO-FEDEX) or include in your standard pickup procedures. Specimen must be shipped within 24 hours of collection and received at Belay Diagnostics within 48 hours of collection. Samples received after 48 hours of collection may be rejected.
Request additional shipping kits from Customer Service at 331-320-0155 or